Total statistics
Picks 394
W - D - L 245 - 0 - 149
Risked 451
Profit 75.16
ROI 116.67%
Pinnacle (380)
Bet365 (14)
Basketball (394)
Win rate: 62.18% Odds avg: 1.84 Stake avg: 1.14 Streak:              

Active picks : This tipster has no active picks!

Month W-D-L Risked Profit ROI
2024-5 3-0-1 4 1.32 133% show picks
2024-4 5-0-3 8 0.82 110.25% show picks
2024-3 5-0-1 6 3.14 152.33% show picks
2024-2 6-0-4 20 1.65 108.25% show picks
2024-1 4-0-3 8 0.91 111.38% show picks
2023-12 5-0-1 8 4.45 155.63% show picks
2023-11 5-0-1 8 4.55 156.88% show picks
2023-10 8-0-2 12 6.38 153.17% show picks
2023-9 2-0-5 9 -3.71 58.78% show picks
2023-8 0-0-2 2 -2 0% show picks
2023-6 6-0-4 10 0.84 108.4% show picks
2023-5 5-0-11 17 -7.99 53% show picks
2023-4 7-0-4 11 1.87 117% show picks
2023-3 3-0-2 5 0.51 110.2% show picks
2023-2 3-0-6 9 -3.57 60.33% show picks
2023-1 4-0-1 5 2.4 148% show picks
2022-12 6-0-8 14 -2.97 78.79% show picks
2022-11 5-0-4 9 0.44 104.89% show picks
2022-10 5-0-2 7 2.12 130.29% show picks
2022-9 6-0-1 7 3.93 156.14% show picks
2022-6 4-0-3 7 0.43 106.14% show picks
2022-5 5-0-0 5 4.14 182.8% show picks
2022-4 6-0-2 8 3.26 140.75% show picks
2022-3 9-0-10 21 -2.41 88.52% show picks
2022-2 7-0-5 15 1.71 111.4% show picks
2022-1 9-0-4 16 4.15 125.94% show picks
2021-12 7-0-1 8 4.9 161.25% show picks
2021-11 5-0-12 17 -7.73 54.53% show picks
2021-10 10-0-7 17 1.48 108.71% show picks
2021-9 4-0-3 7 0.51 107.29% show picks
2021-6 4-0-0 4 3.54 188.5% show picks
2021-5 7-0-6 13 0.07 100.54% show picks
2021-4 5-0-1 6 3.26 154.33% show picks
2021-3 9-0-7 16 0.8 105% show picks
2021-2 4-0-2 6 1.5 125% show picks
2021-1 8-0-3 11 3.72 133.82% show picks
2020-12 11-0-2 13 7.33 156.38% show picks
2020-11 18-0-7 28 10.63 137.96% show picks
2020-10 20-0-8 54 18.77 134.76% show picks

Contact me for RESERVATION for October because the SERVICE will be FULL soon

PREMIUM CHANNEL for 2023/2024:

40-16 SCORE & +35% YIELD

Brutal season with even 35% ROI on Limits 1000 to 4000 € at the moment of sending pick


Real Odds  ✅
Big LIMITS✅ (€1000 to €4000)
Pick alerts  ✅



LIMITED SPACE - Can’t be more than 20 Customers on VIP Channel.

Resellers & NO Refund money:
If I feel you are a reseller I can to removed you without any further explanation and persuasion!!!

There is no refund money in the case of a negative month or a negative result in that period.


✅Betverified Premium Channel:

All Stats
: 370 Picks & +17 % YIELD

I like to catch  great values picks earlier on MEDIUM LIMITS around 1000-1500€ on PINNACLE (at the moment of sending picks) or in morning and you can expect 10-15 high selected picks per month here from top basketball european leagues:
- Euroleague
- Eurocup
- Spain ACB 

Stake 1 - 300Eur (my standard stake)
Stake 2 - 500Eur 


✅ Vip B Channel:

All Stast in last 5 years: Picks: 600 & Yield: +14% 

It’s crystal clear to me that it is much easier to find good value in smaller markets. Because I will follow this small market on a vip B service:  
- Finland
- ABA league
- Denmark

I will play it on Pinnacle with Full Limits around 1000€.
Stake 1 - 300Eur (my standard stake)
Stake 2 - 500Eur


Both VIP services in one PREMIUM Channel:
30 days - 150Eur
60 days - 300Eur

Payment: Skrill and Crypto✅

Pick Alert

Pinnacle (Ps3838)✅

Contact: @iam_scout

