Total statistics
Picks 62
W - D - L 29 - 12 - 21
Risked 437
Profit 26.79
ROI 106.13%
Pinnacle (62)
Ice hockey (60)
Soccer (2)
Win rate: 46.77% Odds avg: 1.88 Stake avg: 7.05 Streak:              

Active picks : This tipster has no active picks!

Month W-D-L Risked Profit ROI
2024-2 2-2-1 35 3.43 109.8% show picks
2024-1 1-2-6 63 -36.47 42.11% show picks
2023-12 6-1-5 84 5.18 106.17% show picks
2023-11 9-5-1 105 48.79 146.47% show picks
2023-10 11-2-8 150 5.86 103.91% show picks

Hi there!

I am a professional tipster with over 15 years of experience, and now I'm starting to share my tips with you!
My expertise primarily focuses on football and ice hockey, though I may also offer tips for baseball and American football. You can expect 20-40 pre-match tips every month.

From December 2023, the tips are paid. For further information, please contact us at letbetbe@gmail.com


