Total statistics
Picks 208
W - D - L 115 - 11 - 82
Risked 1994
Profit 102.35
ROI 105.13%
Pinnacle (162)
Bet365 (46)
Soccer (146)
Basketball (47)
Handball (11)
Ice hockey (2)
Volleyball (1)
Tennis (1)
Win rate: 55.29% Odds avg: 1.82 Stake avg: 9.59 Streak:              

Active picks : This tipster has no active picks!

Month W-D-L Risked Profit ROI
2024-2 2-0-1 30 4.8 116% show picks
2024-1 8-1-13 220 -65.7 70.14% show picks
2023-12 21-3-11 350 51.6 114.74% show picks
2023-11 21-2-11 339 77.01 122.72% show picks
2023-10 63-5-46 1055 34.64 103.28% show picks

Professional Service with +15 years of experience in sports analyses.
They are a result of thorough research and hard work considering all factors affecting all outcomes, for example, injured and suspended players, financial problems, and cooperation between teams. My main goal is to help you win, then win some more, and keep winning – all based on the most accurate sports data available.

40 euros month
